Working together towards a hunger free British Columbia

State of Hunger in BC
The resonating impact of COVID-19 and the cost of living crisis have had devastating consequences on the household budgets of British Columbians.
Record numbers of people have turned to food banks over the past year. In March 2024, we achieved an unwelcome milestone. For the first time, our members served over 100,000 unique individuals in a single month. It is clear to see how creating dignified access to food, reducing food insecurity, and strengthening our food systems need to be prioritized.
Poverty is at the root of food insecurity and BC’s poverty rate is substantially higher than the national average (11.6% compared to 9.9%). All levels of government have a crucial role to play in addressing poverty. In the absence of policies and supports that help people out of poverty, we will continue to see the need for food banks in BC and across Canada.
Our evolution as a charity has resulted in significant growth in our profile, impact, and reach. Much of this work is possible due to the incredible support we receive from our donors and partners. Thank you. We are also very grateful to the Food Banks BC staff team, the Board of Directors, and the many hunger relief organizations that support people in need in BC.

At the beginning of 2024, we changed our mission:
To Alleviate Hunger Today and to Prevent Hunger Tomorrow for All British Columbians.
Did you know?

Over $6 billion
dollars of food is wasted in BC every year. This is healthy food that is sent to landfill sites when it could be redirected to feed hungry families.
Over 100,000 people
access our member food banks every month.

1 out of 3
One in every three
clients is a child.

1 out of 10
More than one in ten
clients are seniors.

Income is insufficient
Most clients are
employed, but their
income is insufficient.
107 members
Food Banks BC's
107 food bank members support over a thousand hunger relief programs.

+ 5.4% food costs
The price of food increased by 5.4% in BC (national average of 5%).

Donations are declining
Donations have dropped across the province.
Our Programs in Action
The Perishable Food Refrigeration Grant
The unnecessary loss of consumable food is a critical issue. Over $6 billion of food is wasted in BC every year when much could be redirected to feed hungry families. The final round of the Perishable Refrigeration Grant was launched in 2023. This allowed our members to purchase equipment that would significantly increase our network's capacity to accept and store more perishable food, and get more fresh and healthy food onto the tables of British Columbians. This has helped reduce waste and get more fresh and healthy food onto the tables of British Columbians.

Emergency Food Support

In 2021, Food Banks BC partnered with the Salvation Army, Associated Grocers, and Gordon Food Services to coordinate the delivery of food into the Lytton region in response to the devastating wildfires in 2021. We also flew food, water, and other urgently needed supplies into isolated, flooded communities in partnership with Helicopters Without Borders, to ensure basic needs were met.

The work to support Lytton continues to this day. Additionally, a large volume of food was shipped to the Ulkatcho First Nation this past year. Last summer’s wildfires destroyed much of the local traditional hunting grounds.

The Resilient North
This project, delivered in partnership with the Public Health Association of BC (PHABC), set out to understand the opportunities and barriers regarding food access in northern BC.
The project research phase is complete, and our commitment to focusing on the north of the province has continued to gather momentum. Soon, we will have an even deeper understanding of how we are helping shape the future of dignified food access and enhanced food security in BC.
School Nutrition Pilot Program
Photo provided by
Did you know that one in three food bank clients is a child? We currently have two school meals pilot programs, operating in partnership with BC Agriculture in the Classroom, and Flourish School Meals. These pilot programs have contributed enormously to giving kids in BC schools access to healthy, nutritious food. They will also inform the development of effective, cost-efficient school meals programs.
Through the provision of adequate, nutritious food for kids in schools, it is our hope that we can start to see a reduction in the number of families and children who rely on food bank services, and reduce the strain on our network.

Agency Relief Fund
In partnership with the Province of British Columbia’s Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction, Food Banks BC administers funding support to non-member, charitable agencies providing hunger relief services in BC communities.
This funding is available as a grant that supports the operating costs of helping people who are facing hunger and food insecurity. This past year, the Agency Relief Fund distributed $2.3 million.
Interested in learning more about Food Banks BC programs, and our vision for next year? Read our full 2023-2024 Impact Report.
Donor Partners
Acosta Canada Corp
Aheer Transportation Ltd.
Aqueduct Foundation
BC Cattlemen's Association
Camosun Biotechnology Inc.
Campbell Company of Canada
Complete Purchasing Services
Diageo Canada
Easy Energy Inc.
Ecofish Research Ltd.
EcoLogic Consultants Ltd.
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Gott for Good
Ionica Inc.
Maple Leaf Centre for
Food Security
Merit Kitchens (2002) Ltd.
Mission Hill Family Estate
Molson Coors
Parrish & Heimbecker Limited
Pattison Food Group Ltd.
Provincial Employees
Community Services Fund
Restoration Lands Inc.
Save On Foods
Sobeys Inc.
Teck Resources Limited
Telus Corporation
The Faculty & Staff Association
at University of Fraser Valley
The Tenaquip Foundation
Tourmaline Oil
Toyota Canada
Transoft Solutions Inc.
Vancouver Foundation
Vitalus Nutrition Inc.
Voth Developments Ltd.
Waypoint Insurance
Western Rice Mills